P.O. Box 91216
Portland, Oregon U.S.A. 97291-0216

Contact Me


NOC Designs and implementations: To go anywhere, any time, to design and build your HP Openview, BMC Patrol, IBM Tivoli, IBM Director, Computer Associates Unicenter, Micromuse Netcool, Microsoft MOM, etc. Network Operations Center NOC. I have over 25 years of remote support center and NOC design experience. Now that you've found me, why not bookmark this page or e-mail me right away! If you go through an agency, they will Google me same as you did and then tack on another $35-$50 per hour to my rate for doing so. That's around $20k extra for a 3 Month project! For doing a Google search!?!?!?! Save yourself big bucks and deal direct.

UNIX Systems Administration and Engineering: Yes, I do emergency, occasional and long term remote UNIX systems administration and support at very reasonable rates! Can't afford a full time UNIX Administrator or need some occasional very senior backup for your current IT Staff? I can be a great, cost effective solution to these needs.

Network Administration and Engineering: Filling in for key UNIX/Microsoft server Systems Administrators or Network Engineers who have left your company until a full time replacement can be recruited is a specialty.

To Hiring Managers: An incompetent or inexperienced Tech can do a lot of damage real fast with root authority on your servers. And I've long since lost track of how many "Network Engineers" I've met who don't know the difference between UDP and TCP. Please take this into consideration when comparing my resume skill set against others you may receive. I was managing high SLA networks and production UNIX servers before most of the other candidates you are hearing from were born. A "bargain" rate isn't such a bargain if they can't keep the equipment running! Even brief outages can be very expensive.

To Software Vendors/VARs: I am always interested in new monitoring products and VARs who will offer my clients good products, prices and services. I welcome inquiries from VARs, integrators and software companies. However, I am not a VAR and have no desire to become one. One of the major benefits of hiring me is that I have no financial stake in product purchase decisions. I recommend what is best for my client, not the product that will net me the biggest commission.

Have a NOC Design or deployment project in mind?: Pretty much anyone can open up the shrink wrap on new sofware and install it. But building a proactive, responsive, professional grade Network Operations Center is a lot more than just installing software! Most high end monitoring products do very little "out of the box". Designing a NOC involves gathering requirements, deciding what software to purchase, negotiating and creating a design specification, establishing a methodology, policies and procedures as well as a whole lot of training. Have a look at some of the less obvious NOC design considerations for more insight into just how complicated this process can be. There are only a handful of professional NOC Architects Worldwide and I believe I am the only NOC Architect in the whole wide world who works with more than one monitoring product. And I offer my services for a lot less than what VARs and Vendor professional services folks charge. Even a very modest 250 server NOC can easily run $500,000 in software alone. It only makes sense to protect that investment by hiring someone who actually knows what they are doing to build your NOC. If minimizing your project's risk is important to you, you need to be talking to me.

My work ethic: I am an "old school" Engineer who believes that the job comes first. My sole motivation, admittedly for selfish reasons, is to make you, the hiring Manager, look good. Why? Because if I do a great job and make you look good, you will be much more likely to want to hire me again and to recommend me to your friends and associates. It is my primary goal to make sure that nothing happens to make you regret your decision to hire me.

Foreign "Consultants": Lately, there has been a proliferation of so-called "consulting companies" from India and other third-world nations saturating the U.S. NOC market. Oddly enough, most CHARGE A LOT MORE, only to outsource your operations to someplace like Bangalore, where semi-skilled laborers earn a meager wage. Don't be fooled by flashy, professional-looking web sites, a U.S. PMB address, or a USA VolP phone number that goes straight to someone with an American-sounding name, like "Travis or Bridgett", who mysteriously has a third-world country accent. I am proud to be a U.S. Citizen and a U.S. Military Veteran who was building professional-grade NOCs before most of these "consultants" knew what a flush toilet is. Please see my Resume for more details of my education and experience.



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