1999 Oregon Legislative Information
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Who does and doesn't support freedom of choice in America


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District 1
North Coast ABATE

Senator Joan Dukes (D) seems to genuinely like Motorcyclists and has expressed admiration for the work that we are doing. The Senator strikes me as being supportive of ABATE and our issues yet she has never voted in favor of helmet law repeal.  The Senator wrote, "I have thoroughly enjoyed the relationship I have had with ABATE over the years and the successes we have achieved, especially the legislation defining a motorcycle helmet. But I have never supported removing the requirement for helmets. My husband rode. He didn't like helmets. It was one thing we disagreed on. I have a great deal of respect for your members and I know we will continue to work together on other issues." Ms. Dukes defeated Linc Jordan (Libertarian), a Ranier, Oregon Resident who is the Deputy Coordinator for Cowlitz County (WA) ABATE.   A strong letter writing/phone calling campaign by District 1 Constituents could swing this very important vote!  (503) 986-1701  Buddy: *NEEDED* (Badly!)

Member, 1997 and 1999 Senate Transportation Committee.  Voted against HB2454 on 6/30/97 and was absent for the second 1997 vote.   Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99.  Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 2
Newport ABATE

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Senator Gary George (R) is a very strong supporter of Motorcyclist's rights and has been very helpful with the mandatory helmet law repeal efforts. Senator George carried the bill for the Senate in 1997 and gave a powerful speech in our favor. He looks great in his pony tail and leathers too :)  As a member of the 1999 Transportation Committee, the Senator lambasted OHSU and ODOT for providing misleading and in some cases out-and-out false testimony to the committee.  (503) 986-1702  Buddy:  The entire membership of ABATE and BikePAC is Senator George's buddy.  Whatever the Senator wants from us, he gets!
Member, Senate Transportation Committee.  Co-Sponsored the 1997 and 1999 helmet repeal bill.  Prime Senate Sponsor for the 1999 helmet repeal and handlebar height bills.

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District 3

Sen. Thomas Hartung (R)  represents my District.  Senator Hartung has voted against our helmet repeal bills in the past.  Mr. Hartung defeated Brad Avakian (D) who has pledged to support our legislation.  (503) 986-1703  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Senator Hartung voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.   Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99 and gave a speech against it! Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 4

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Senator Eileen Qutub (R) is a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights issues.  Expect to see Rep. Ryan Deckert going after Senator Qutub's seat when he term limits out in 2000.  (503) 986-1704  Buddy: *NEEDED* ...ideal volunteer will be willing to provide help with re-election needs
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.  Declined to Co-Sponsor in 1999 but voted for SB583 on 4/6/99

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District 5

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Senator Charles Starr (R) is a solid, consistent supporter of Motorcyclists rights.  Mr. Starr defeated incumbent Jeanette Hamby (R) who was extremely anti-Biker and who Bikers worked very hard to unseat.  (503) 986-1705  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill when he was in the House.  Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation.  Voted for SB583 and gave a speech in favor of it.

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District 6

Senator Ginny Burdick (D), Minority Whip, does not support mandatory helmet law repeal. She wrote, "I support the current law."  Rumor has it that a close Family member (Brother?) was killed on a motorcycle.  Details concerning the circumstances of the accident or whether helmet usage was involved is unknown. Obviously, we have heartfelt sympathy for Ms. Burdick's loss if this story is true.... however, using the death of any Biker to promote the kind of Safetycrat edicts that we all abhor is, in our opinion, wrong.  Given Ms. Burdick's experience, I would expect her to be a zealot for Rider education and training, not a proponent of mindless so-called safety regulations.  Constituent Bikers, especially those registered as Democrats,  should please call, write or visit Ms. Burdick to ask for her yes vote on our 1999 bills.  This is another key Senator who we would like to have on our side.   (503) 986-1706  Buddy:  Sam Hochberg
Senator Burdick voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 7

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Senator Kate Brown (D) Ass't Democratic Leader, is a supporter of Motorcyclists rights.  This is a key Senator for us.  Constituent Bikers should please call, write or visit Ms. Brown to thank her for her past support and ask for her yes vote on our 1999 bills.  As Ass't DPO Leader, Ms. Brown may be able to persuade others in her party to vote with us.  (503) 986-1700 Buddy: *NEEDED*
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.  Declined to Co-Sponsor in 1999 but voted for SB583 under some pressure, presumably from the DPO leadership or from the Governor. Just 6 days after pledging her support, she voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 8
North Portland ABATE

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Senator Thomas Wilde (D) is a super strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights.  The Senator's Wife ran for the House 17 seat in 1998, a campaign which we actively supported.   Senator Wilde has been a good friend to us.  (503) 986-1708  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.  Voted for SB583 and would have Co-Sponsored if we were able to track him down to get his signature.

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District 9
Southeast Portland ABATE

Senator Frank Shields (D) is one of our biggest detractor in the Senate. On 3/14/98, When he was in the House, Mr. Shields said that he would vote for a helmet repeal bill provided that it carried provisions for medical coverage for catastrophic injuries.   But in 1997, he voted against HB2454 even though it contained  a PIP amendment that was placed on it specifically to address the concerns of Politicians like Mr. Shields.  Mr. Shields said that he would never do anything to overturn a measure that was overwhelmingly supported by Voters.  Mr. Shields (incorrectly) stated that 70% of Oregon Voters voted for the mandatory helmet law in 1987.  In fact,  the measure narrowly passed in one of the lowest voter turn out, off year elections ever.  Mr. Shields defeated our good friend Lonnie Roberts in a heartbreaking primary.  I hate to ever say that anything is impossible, but if Mr. Shields votes for our legislation, I'll take it as a sign that I'd better start going to Church again.  (503) 986-1709  Buddy: Michael Friend

Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97; Absent for 4/8/97 vote. Voted against repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99.

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District 10
Southeast Portland ABATE

Senator Avel Gordly (D) is strongly against Motorcyclists rights issues! Senator Gordly has not answered any of my letters. Just before the Senate vote, Senator Gordly printed copies of the 3/9/97 Oregonian editorial and passed them out to all of the other Senators.  Constituent Bikers, especially those registered as Democrats,  should please call, write or visit Ms. Gordly to ask for her support and yes vote on our 1999 bills.  (503) 986-1710   Buddy: Feel like you need an insurmountable challenge in your life?  Here's the volunteer job for you!
Senator Gordly voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99.

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District 11
Southeast Portland ABATE

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Senator John Lim (R) is a very strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights. Senator Lim gave a powerful speech about American freedoms on the Senate floor on our behalf during the 1997 session.  (503) 986-1711  Buddy: *NEEDED*  ...ideal volunteer will be willing to provide help with re-election needs
Co-Sponsored the 1997 and 1999 helmet repeal bill.   Gives powerful speeches for us at every opportunity.

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District 12
S.E. Portland ABATE

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes) Senator Vern Duncan (R) is a past supporter of Motorcyclists rights who changed his position during the 1999 session.  Preventing this kind of stuff is why finding Legislative Buddies is so important!  There must be 200 or more ABATE members who live in District 12 yet this Senator doesn't have a single buddy.  Do we enjoy pain or what?   Mr. Duncan defeated Monroe Sweetland (D) who did not support our issues.  (503) 986-1712 Buddy: *NEEDED*
Senator Duncan voted for the 1997 helmet law repeal bill. Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 13
WaCo and S.E. Portland ABATE

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes) Senator Randy Miller (R) is a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights. Senator Miller gave a compelling speech on our behalf before the 1997 HB2454 vote.  Senator Miller defeated Ken Libbey (D) who would have been a huge problem for us if elected.  (503) 986-1713  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.  Declined to Co-Sponsor our 1999 bill but voted for it and gave a speech in favor of it.

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District 14
Southeast Portland ABATE

Rick Metsger (D) is a former Television Sportscaster.  Senator Metsger stated that he would vote for our 1999 helmet bill, provided that the age limit was 21.  He then voted against HB3632 several Months later, likely under pressure from the Governor. Mr. Metsger defeated Jerry Grisham (R) who pledged to Co-Sponsor our legislation.  Mr. Grisham had previously defeated Sen. Ken Baker (R) who had been a huge problem to us in the 1997 session.  (503) 986-1714  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 15

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes) Senator Marylyn Shannon, (R) Chair, Senate Transportation Committee.  Senator Shannon has been super supportive of Motorcyclist's issues! Ms. Shannon is our hero!!! As 1997's *AND* 1999's Easyrider MVP, She gets our highest rating; A+++! Thank you Senator!!  (503) 986-1715   Buddy: *NEEDED*
Transportation Committee Chair for 1997 and 1999 sessions.   Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation

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District 16

Sen. Gene Derfler (R) Majority Leader, voted against us and is far from being our desired Candidate.  The GOP platform now includes the objective of repealing the mandatory helmet law (Thanks Ken & Bob!).  Anticipating that Senator Derfler would be the dutiful little Republican and vote the Party line, we gave him a very grudging "yes" vote recommendation.  Mr. Derfler defeated Lloyd Kumley (D) who would have been a definite no vote on our bills, so we had little to lose by voting Republican here.   I would strongly urge Salem area Constituents, especially Republicans, to call, write and visit Mr. Derfler to see if we can win over his support.  (503) 986-1750  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Senator Derfler  voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.  Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99.  Voted for HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 17

Peter Courtney (D) House Democratic Leader, is another anti-freedom Legislator in Salem. Senator Courtney says, "The mandate for the helmet law was given to the voters in 1988. The voters, not the legislature passed the law. If we are going to change the laws we need to take the question to the voters once again."  Senator Courtney does not discriminate.  He is opposed to freedom for anyone.  The Senator's solution to everything is increased Government regulations and extreme sanctions for anyone who does not follow his totalitarian edicts.  Mr. Courtney defeated Don Scott (R) who we worked very hard to elect. We need to be a lot more serious about Don Scott's election campaign next year, should he choose to run again!  (503) 986-1717  Buddy: *NEEDED* ... a volunteer with a strong desire to do the impossible
Mr. Courtney voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97 when he was in the House.  He voted against SB583 and gave a speech against it on 4/6/99.   Cast the sole "no" vote against HB3632 in committee.  Voted against HB3632 and gave a speech against it on 7/7/99

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District 18
Corvallis area

Cliff Trow (D), Democratic Leader, has consistently voted against our bills...makes me wonder why so many Bikers are registered Democrats!!  Mr. Trow defeated Win Eaton (R) who was only a lukewarm supporter of our issues.  Constituent Bikers, and especially those registered as Democrats should please call, write or visit Mr. Trow to  ask for his support and yes vote on our 1999 bills.  Senator Trow could be a key person for us.  (503) 986-1718  Buddy: *NEEDED* .. a volunteer who can move mountains

Senator Trow voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 19
Willamette Valley ABATE

Incumbent Mae Yih (D) was not recommended for re-election because of her dastardly betrayal in the 1997 session as a member of the Senate Transportation Committee.  After accepting a great deal of election help from area Bikers, she Co-Sponsored our 1997 legislation only to succumb to Democratic Leadership pressure (Governor Kitzhaber) who asked her first to kill the bill in committee and then to vote against it on the floor.  Senator Yih defeated Carolyn Oakley who has a long history of support for our issues.  1999 is a new session:   Constituent Bikers, and especially those registered as Democrats, should please call, write or visit Ms. Yih to ask for her support and yes vote on our 1999 bills.   This is a key Senator who we would like to have back in the fold.  Ms. Yih left Shanghai, China to live in America, ostensibly to get away from Government interference in her life.  (503) 986-1719   Buddy: *NEEDED*
Transportation Committee Member for 1997 and 1999 sessions.   Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Late in the 1997 session, Senator Yih changed her position on helmet law repeal and almost tied our bill up in committee. BikePAC and most ABATE Members feel betrayed by our once supportive Senator.
Senator Yih voted against our 1997 helmet law repeal bill.  Only member to vote against the "do pass" motion to move our 1999 bill out of committee. Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 20
Eugene area

Susan Castillo (D) has voted against our helmet law repeal bills in the past.  However, the Senator has been very good to us as a member of the Senate Transportation Committee, for which we are grateful.  Ms. Castillo defeated Scott Austin (R) who's position on our issues is unknown.  Constituent Bikers, and especially those registered as Democrats, should please call, write or visit Ms. Castillo to ask her to reconsider her position on our issues.  This is a key Senator who we would very much like to win over.  (503) 986-1720  Buddy: *NEEDED* (Badly!)
1999 session Transportation Committee Member.  Senator Castillo voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session. She voted against SB583 and gave a speech against it on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 and gave a speech against it on 7/7/99

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District 21
Springfield area

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes) Lee Beyer (D) voted for our legislation in the 1997 session and said that he saw no reason why he wouldn't vote for it again (pending a review of the bill, of course).  Rep. Beyer is strong on 2nd Amendment rights and does not support any of the current ideas about further restricting gun ownership.  Rep. Beyer is naturally concerned about safety but feels that "most gun control laws are more show than go and make promises that can't be effectively implemented or are just plain undesirable."  Mr. Beyer defeated Bill Lioio (R) who pledged to support our legislation.  (503) 986-1721  Buddy: *NEEDED*
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill when he was in the House.   Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation

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District 22
Willamette Valley ABATE

Tony Corcoran (D), Ass't Democratic Leader, is probably the most anti-freedom Politician in the Legislature. This is very surprising to me inasmuch as Senator Corcoran emigrated from Ireland where they have their own freedom issues going on.  Please refer to Mr. Corcoran's 1997 letter to me to get a sense as to just how little importance your elected representative gives to freedom in America!  Click HERE to have a look at Senator Corcoran's 1998 letter which is unabashedly anti-liberty. In 1999, Senator Corcoran apparently started realizing that people actually read his comments on this site and simply responded, "sorry".  ...makes me wonder why so many Bikers are registered Democrats!!  Mr. Corcoran defeated Cedric Hayden (R) who did not support our issues.   Not much chance of changing Mr. Corcoran's vote..however, there are an awful lot of Bikers in the area who are registered Democrats who should still call, write and visit Mr. Corcoran to let him know how we feel about his position.  Let's make him have to explain his "sorry" response to the thousands of Motorcyclists who asked him to vote for freedom.  (503) 986-1722  Buddy: *NEEDED*... a volunteer with an iron constitution
When in the House, Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 23
Douglas County area

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes)  Senator Bill Fisher (R) is a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights. Senator Fisher spoke for HB2454 on the 1997 Senate floor and voted for the helmet law repeal.  Senator Fisher and his Son recently purchased Harley Davidsons and has wall-to-wall pictures of motorcycles in his office.  I signed him up as an ABATE member during one of my visits.  Any other questions?  Constituent Bikers should please call, write or visit Mr. Fisher to thank him for his past support and ask for his yes vote on our 1999 bills.  (503) 986-1723   Buddy: NEEDED* 

Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation.  Gave a speech in favor of SB583.  Co-carried HB3632

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District 24
South Coast ABATE

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes)  Senator Veral Tarno (R) is a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights.  Constituent Bikers should please call, write or visit Mr. Tarno to thank him for his past support and ask for his yes vote on our 1999 bills.   (503) 986-1724  Buddy: *NEEDED*

Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.  Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted for HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 25
Josephine County area

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes)  Senator Brady Adams (R), President of the Senate, has voted for our legislation in the past.  Senator Adams is a very key supporter for us.  Constituent Bikers should please call, write or visit Mr. Adams to thank him for his past support and ask for his yes vote on our 1999 bills. (503) 986-1600  Buddy: *NEEDED*

Voted for HB2454 helmet repeal in 1997.  Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted for HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 26
Ashland area

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes)  Lenn Hannon (R) has voted for our legislation in the past.   We couldn't ask for better support than what we have gotten from Senator Hannon.   Constituent Bikers should please call, write or visit Mr. Hannon to thank him for his past support and ask for his yes vote on our 1999 bills.  (503) 986-1726  Buddy: *NEEDED*

1999 session Transportation Committee Member.  Voted for HB2454 helmet repeal in 1997.  During the 1999 hearing on SB583, the Senator took OHSU and ODOT Representatives to task for misrepresenting facts and in some cases directly lying to the members in their testimony!  He also displayed a very good understanding of the handlebar issue and was a big help debunking the OSP testimony during that hearing. Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted for HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 27
Jefferson County area

Senator Neil Bryant (R), Ass't Majority Leader has voted against our helmet law repeal bills in the past.  Senator Bryant could be a very key person for us.  Constituent Bikers, and especially Republicans should call, write or visit Mr. Bryant and ask that he reconsider his position on our issues.  (503) 986-1727  Buddy: *NEEDED*

Senator Bryant  voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 28
Grant County area

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes)  Senator Ted Ferrioli (R) was a very tough sell to obtain his yes vote in the 1997 session.  Constituent Bikers, and especially Republicans should call, write or visit Mr. Ferrioli to ask for his continued support.   This is a key Senator for us.  (503) 986-1728  Buddy: *NEEDED* .. this could be a pretty easy gig as the Senator is a really friendly fellow

1999 session Transportation Committee Member.  Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal in 1997.  Severely lambasted the OSP during committee hearings on SB583 for using the helmet law as part of their continued campaign to harass Bikers who attend our annual Fossil event.  Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99 and was helpful to us by ensuring that all of our supporters were present for the floor vote.  Voted for HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 29
Umatilla County area

Senator David Nelson (R) does not support the concept of freedom in America.  I strongly urge Constituent Bikers, and especially Republicans to ask Mr. Nelson to reconsider his position on our issues.   (503) 986-1729  Buddy: *NEEDED*

Senator Nelson voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) in the 1997 session.  Voted against SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted against HB3632 on 7/7/99

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District 30
Southeastern Oregon area

WB01372_1.gif (406 bytes)  Senator Eugene Timms (R) has voted for our legislation in the past.  Constituents should please thank Mr. Timms for his past support and ask for his yes vote for our 1999 bills.  (503) 986-1730  Buddy: *NEEDED*

Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal in 1997.  Voted for SB583 on 4/6/99. Voted for HB3632 on 7/7/99

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