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Click here to check out our 1999 Legislative activities in Oregon
District 1 |
Jackie Taylor (D) has consistently voted against Motorcyclists rights bills in the past. Apparently, Ms. Taylor is going to be a problem for us again in 1999. Rep. Taylor tried to amend our handlebar height repeal bill in committee by simply increasing the allowable height by a few inches. Obviously, she doesn't understand (or care) that this law is being used to harass Riders travelling around in our State. Ms. Taylor defeated Sam Patrick (R) who was somewhat supportive of our legislation. 986-1401 ACTION: We need to get way more serious about working to un-elect this very bad Legislator |
Member, 1999 Transportation Committee. Voted against HB2454, the helmet law repeal bill 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted to kill SB583, our 1999 helmet bill, in committee. Voted to kill HB3632, our 2nd 1999 helmet bill in committee. |
District 2 |
Elaine Hopson (D). Ms. Hopson did not participate in project vote smart. Ms. Hopson is another Democrat who supports the current mandatory helmet law because of the "social burden" theory. This in spite of the fact that Ms. Hopson's Brother is a hard core Touring Motorcyclist who has ridden all over and hates mandatory helmet laws as much as we do. Click HERE to look over her reasoning. Ms. Hopson defeated Scott Bushnell Scott (R) who pledged to vote for our legislation. This is an election that we should have worked a lot harder on. 986-1402 Buddy: Debbie Becker |
Voted against HB3632. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion. |
District 3 |
Bruce Starr (R) , Son of Rep. Charles Starr who currently holds this seat receives our very enthusiastic recommendation! Bruce is very strong on 2nd amendment rights and on freedom issues generally. He is rated "A" by the NRA (his Father Charles is rated "A+"). Click HERE to visit Bruce's homepage. Call (503) 640-3780 to volunteer time, money or moral support. Bruce ran against Larry Landauer (D) who also pledged to support our legislation. 986-1403 Buddy: We need a GOP PCP in the Hillsboro area to volunteer |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation |
District 4 |
Terry Thompson (D). Mr. Thompson was a Co-Sponsor of last session's helmet repeal bill and has voted in favor of Motorcyclists rights bills in the past Alan Brown (R), who's position on helmet repeal is unknown, ran against Mr. Thompson and lost. 986-1404 Buddy: We need a Democrat PCP in the Newport area to volunteer |
Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation |
District 5 |
Representative Jim Hill (R) is an ultra liberal Republican who is not really a Republican at all.. Mr. Hill has consistently voted against our helmet bills even though, in his own words, "nobody" from his District has asked him to vote against them but hundreds of his Constituents have called and written asking him to vote for them! Prior to his term in Salem, Mr. Hill was an assistant to Senator Hamby To be kind, Senator Hamby was extremely antagonistic towards those who ride motorcycles. Not to be outdone, Rep. Hill disrespects us with his trademark "head, pavement, splat" line. Mr. Hill defeated Dale Chambers (D) who's support for us is unknown. (503) 986-1405 Buddy: Jill Tracy ACTION: We need to get serious about un-electing this turkey |
Member, 1999 Transportation Committee. Voted against HB2454 helmet repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted to kill SB583, our 1999 helmet bill, in committee. Made a motion that attempted to kill HB3632 before a House vote could be made. |
District 6 |
Ken Strobeck (R) House Majority Whip has voted against our helmet law repeal bills in the past. Mr. Strobeck is an endorsed Motorcyclists who regularly rides his BMW! He is also a familiar face at our toy runs and other community activities. Rep. Strobeck is sensitive to the fact that the OSP has used the helmet law as a tool to harass Motorcyclists in Oregon. Rep. Strobeck may vote for some of our other, non-helmet legislation. In case you've wondered, Ken Strobeck is the guy who is behind photo radar in Oregon. Mr. Strobeck defeated Dave Gil (D) who's level of support for us is unknown. (503) 986-1406. Buddy: We need a GOP PCP in Washington County to volunteer to help with Rep. Strobeck's re-election |
1997 and 1999 Speaker Pro Tempore. Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted for HB3632, our 1999 helmet bill! |
District 7 |
Bill Witt (R) - A Conservative Republican and small business Owner who lives in Cedar Hills (near my neighborhood). Mr. Witt ran unsuccessfully for Congress several years ago. Bill committed that he would vote for mandatory helmet repeal for riders over 18. I think that Bikers can count on strong support from Representative Witt throughout his political career. (503) 986-1407. Buddy: Ken Ray |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation. Gave a great floor speech in support of HB3632 |
District 8 |
Ryan Deckert (D) has voted against our helmet repeal efforts and was not recommended for re-election ..... like it would make any difference, Mr. Deckert would like to take away the guns of every American Citizen and does not support our second amendment rights. Mr. Deckert is an admitted tax and legislate liberal. With a budget of $26 billion, Mr. Deckert can't find a single State program, agency, grant or activity worthy of being cut or reduced. Mr. Deckert defeated Henri Schauffler (R) who pledged to vote for our legislation. Expect to see Rep. Deckert go after our good friend Senator Qutub in the 2000 election. (503) 986-1408. Buddy: Ted Tracy |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion. |
District 9 |
Max Williams (R). Mr. Williams is a Commercial litigation Attorney who professes to be an anti-Government type of guy. Mr. Williams is a member of the NRA and has a strong 2nd Amendment rights position. Rep. Williams may or may not support our legislation, depending on what kind of a job we do educating him about the issues. BikePAC did not support Rep. Williams' campaign, however I did as well as several other active GOP Bikers. I was personally very happy to see Max get elected and I think his voting record is going to prove that he was the right person for the job. Mr. Williams defeated Robin Smith (D) who pledged to vote for our legislation. (503) 986-1409. Buddy: Marty Coon, Roger Tower |
Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 10 |
Lynn Snodgrass (R), Speaker of the House House, has been a very strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights and a good friend to Oregon Bikers. I like and respect her very much, both as a person and as a Legislator. Ms. Snodgrass coincidentally knows how to ride a motorcycle! After a long day of managing the affairs of the State, Ms. Snodgrass has been quoted as saying that she had to leave so that she could go home and make dinner for her Husband. Leaps tall buildings in a single bound and can cook... Lynn Snodgrass is my Hero(ine)!! 986-1200 |
1997 House Majority Leader. 1999 Speaker of the House. Co-Sponsored our 1999 handlebar bill Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97. Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 11 |
Anitra Rasmussen (D) has consistently voted against us in the past. Ms. Rasmussen defeated Joshua Poulson (Libertarian) who pledged to vote for our legislation. 986-1411 Buddy: We need a female volunteer who is ideally a DPO PCP |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 12 |
Chris Beck (D) has voted against our helmet repeal bills. Rep. Beck has a history of voting on the wrong side of many issues. Like many Democrats, Mr. Beck is antagonistic towards the "wealthy" .. i.e. anyone who has a job. I am amazed that there wasn't even a Republican Challenger to Mr. Beck's 1998 election campaign!! Mr. Beck defeated H. Joe Tabor (Libertarian), a S.E. Portland Chapter ABATE Member who pledged to vote for our legislation. (503) 986-1412. Buddy: Sam Hochberg |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 13 |
Dan Gardner (D) has voted against our repeal legislation in the past. This is surprising inasmuch as Rep. Gardner reportedly dislikes wearing a helmet when riding as much as we do! Melinda, Larry Schalk and others have worked very hard to try to obtain Rep. Gardner's support, so far with no success. Mr. Gardner ran unopposed. (503) 986-1413. Buddy: Jim Niece |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 14 |
Diane Rosenbaum (D) supports the existing helmet law but is open to listening to reasons why the law should be repealed. S.E. Chapter Members should contact Rep. Rosenbaum to let her know how they feel. Ms. Rosenbaum defeated Andrew Nisbet (R) who was only slightly supportive of our issues. 986-1414 Buddy: Patricia Mansker |
Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 15 |
Randall Edwards (D) has voted against our helmet repeal bills in the past. Mr. Edwards is a Policy and Communications Specialist with a strong background in finance and accounting. Mr. Edwards ran unopposed. (503) 986-1415 Buddy: We need a volunteer! |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 16 |
Jeff Merkley (D) says that he will vote for our 1999 helmet amendment bill. Mr. Merkley defeated Cletus Moore (R) who pledged to support our legislation. (503) 986-1416. Buddy: Michael Friend |
Voted HB3632 out of committee. Gave a great speech in support of HB3632 |
District 17 |
Gary Hansen (D). Representative Hansen is a real nice fellow. His Son rode (and crashed) a motorcycle for many years and gave his Dad about as many grey hairs as I gave mine. Rep. Hansen has some reservations about our helmet bill but he seems to be solidly behind our motorcyclists rights issues. Mr. Hansen defeated Melinda Benson Wilde (D), Wife of our very good friend Senator Tom Wilde who is very supportive of our legislation. Mr. Hansen also defeated Marian Barnett (R) who pledged to support our legislation. (503) 986-1417 Buddy: We need a volunteer who is a DPO PCP in or near the district. This is an easy gig. Mr. Hansen is a real nice, friendly fellow. |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 handlebar bill. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion to kill HB3632 before the floor vote. |
District 18 |
Deborah Kafoury (D). Ms. Kafoury is Gretchen Kafoury's Daughter. She stated that she has not decided what her position is with regard to the helmet law issue. Ms. Kafoury correctly observed that mandatory helmet laws are a situation for which compromise is impossible. She committed to listening to both sides of the argument and requested information from us about the subject. Ms. Kafoury is endorsed by OAGV, an Organization dedicated to repealing your second amendment rights. Ms. Kafoury defeated several minor party candidates. There was no GOP Opponent. (503) 986-1418 Buddy: Needed! A female DPO PCP would be an ideal volunteer |
Voted HB3632 out of committee. Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 19 |
Jo Ann Bowman (D) House Minority Whip, is adamantly anti helmet law repeal. Ms. Bowman carried HB 2433 which allows Police Officers to stop, search and interrogate anyone who *looks* suspicious (note: anyone who rides a motorcycle looks suspicious to the Police). Ms. Bowman ran unopposed. Representative Bowman's 4/8/97 position statement: "I believe that I have made my opposition to repeal of the helmet law quite clear. While you and others who support this bill have information indicating that helmets do not save lives, other information that I have clearly demonstrates that helmets do save lives. Furthermore, recent studies validate this perspective and state that most damage done due to lack of helmets happens to adult operators of motorcycles. Sincerely, Jo Ann Bowman". On the plus side, whenever Ms. Bowman is on the "unpopular" side of an issue, she is very candid about it and does not seek to hide from those who want to talk to her about it. While Ms. Bowman and I probably have absolutely nothing in common, I have a great deal of respect for her forthrightness, dedication and courage to support very unpopular positions. (503) 986-1419 Buddy: Diesel Dave Ganslein |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Was the only Rep who voted against HB3632 who didn't also vote for Hill's mean spirited motion. |
District 20 |
Karen Minnis (R), is the Wife of Portland Police Detective and former District 20 House Rep. John Minnis. To be kind, Rep. Minnis was not very kind to Motorcyclists last session, going so far as to be the only Legislator who voted against our Team Oregon funding bill! Ms. Minnis said that she supports the current helmet law but also said that she would not try to rally the Troops to try to kill our legislation. Ms. Minnis said that she strongly supports Rider education. Ms. Minnis does not favor further controls on gun ownership. Ms. Minnis seems to be her own person and has tried to be clear that her tenure in the Legislature will not be a de facto continuation of her Husband's agenda. Ms. Minnis defeated Ellen Juett (D) who felt that in-line roller bladers ought to be required to wear shin guards! (503) 986-1420. Buddy: Judd Whitcher |
Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99! This was a major surprise to me. |
District 21 |
Randy Leonard (D) Representative Leonard was a Co-Sponsor of HB2454 in the 1997 session when he was Senator Leonard. Mr. Leonard is a professional Firefighter who has earned our thanks and enthusiastic support. Representative Leonard has been a huge help to us working behind the scenes to garner support for our legislation. Mr. Leonard defeated Michael Cargill (R) who opposes mandatory helmet laws. (503) 986-1421 Buddy: A DPO PCP volunteer is needed |
Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation. Consistently gives powerful speeches in support of our legislation. |
District 22 |
Ron Sunseri (R) has consistently supported our legislation. Representative Sunseri is a good friend to Motorcyclists and has been very helpful to us! Mr. Sunseri defeated Laurie Monnes Anderson who would have been a disaster for us had she been elected. (503) 986-1422 Buddy: A GOP PCP volunteer is needed |
Co-Sponsored the 1997 and 1999 legislation |
District 23 |
Kurt Schrader (D) has consistently supported our legislation. Mr. Schrader defeated Sharon Rao (R) who also pledged to support our legislation. (503) 986-1423 Buddy: A DPO PCP volunteer is needed |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation. Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97 |
District 24 |
Richard Devlin (D) has consistently voted against our legislation in the past. In addition to Mr. Devlin's anti-freedom positions, he is a staunch supporter of the fiscally out of control and outrageously mismanaged ODOT. Mr. Devlin thinks that they are doing a fine job and could do an even better job if the Taxpayers just gave them some more money. Mr. Devlin defeated Stan Ash (R) who was somewhat supportive of our issues. (503) 986-1424 ACTION: We need to get serious about un-electing this very bad Politician |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Member, 1999 Transportation Committee. Voted to kill SB583, our 1999 helmet bill, in committee. Voted to kill HB3632 in committee. Gave a speech against HB3632, where he lied and misrepresented the facts regarding motorcycle safety. Attempted to kill HB3632 before the full house vote. |
District 25 |
Jane Lokan (R) is a very strong supporter of Motorcyclists Rights . Ms. Lokan defeated Tom Civiletti (D) who was not particularly supportive of our issues. 986-1425 Buddy: Craig Blair |
Member, 1997 and 1999 House Transportation Committee. Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation. Testified for us at the 1999 Senate Transportation Committee hearing. Voted to move our 1999 helmet bill out of committee |
District 26 |
Kathy Lowe (D). A delightful "fat, middle aged lady" (her words, not mine).. likes motorcycles and thinks Harleys are cool. However, like some of our detractors, she has a friend who sustained a head injury and views the whole motorcycle safety issue from this very narrow perspective. It is possible that a little information and education will convert Rep. Lowe into a supporter. Ms. Lowe is endorsed by OAGV, an Organization dedicated to repealing your second amendment rights. Surprisingly, Ms. Lowe is a cigarette smoker who believes that Bikers are a potential burden to society! This is Larry Sowa's old District who was a very strong supporter of motorcycle rights and in freedom in America. Ms. Lowe defeated David Mayfield (R) who was only somewhat supportive of our issues. (503) 986-1426 Buddy: Dick Edmonds |
Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion that attempted to kill us before the vote. |
District 27 |
Jerry Krummel (R) While he was campaigning, Rep. Krummel stated that he would support the mandatory helmet law repeal. However, once elected, he backed off from this commitment. Not much to get excited about here. Mr. Krummel defeated Andrea Hungerford (D) who supports mandatory helmet laws for adults. (503) 986-1427 ACTION: We need to work to get this guy out of the Legislature before he really hurts us! |
Member, 1999 Transportation Committee. Voted to move our 1999 helmet bill out of committee. Voted against HB3632 and voted in support of Hill's attempt to kill the bill before the house vote. |
District 28 |
Roger Beyer (R) has consistently voted for our legislation. Mr. Beyer defeated Stu Rasmussen (D) who pledged to vote for our legislation. 986-1428 Buddy: *NEEDED* ...ideally a GOP PCP volunteer |
Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation |
District 29 |
Leslie Lewis (R) has consistently supported our legislation. Ms. Lewis defeated Joseph Navari (D) who's position on our issues is unknown. 986-1429 Buddy: *NEEDED*, ideally a GOP PCP |
Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97. Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 30 |
Rep. Larry Wells (R) is a strong, long time supporter of Motorcyclists rights. Mr. Wells ran unopposed. (503) 986-1430 Buddy: *NEEDED*.. ideally a GOP PCP |
Member, 1997 and 1999 House Transportation Committee. Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation. Voted to move our 1999 helmet bill out of committee |
District 31 |
Jackie Winters (R) supports 2nd Amendment rights including the right to carry concealed. Ms. Winters is tough on crime and feels that State Government already collects more than enough taxes to provide needed services. I was very impressed with Rep. Winters who told me that helmet law repeal is not one of her priority issues. Rep. Winters would not give me her position on our issues but I got positive feelings that she would probably be supportive. Rep. Winters seems to be politically very astute (especially for a Freshman Legislator) and gave me some very good advice concerning forwarding our agenda in spite of strong Democrat Party opposition. Ms. Winters defeated Loren Collins who's position on our issues is unknown. (503) 986-1431 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 32 |
Kevin Mannix (R) has been friendly towards motorcyclists rights bills in the past. He believes strongly in personal freedom and personal responsibility. He has committed to Co-Sponsoring our legislation and to giving speeches for us on the House floor. Mr. Mannix is currently completing Shirley Stull's Senate seat term. Mr. Mannix defeated George Bell (D) who is not at all supportive of our issues. (503) 986-1432. Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation |
District 33 |
Vic Backlund (R) says, "safety would suggest that the mandatory helmet law was sound"... he went on to say that he was a good listener and is open to ideas. Mr. Backlund asked for more data so that he could make a good decision on this issue. I think that with a little work, we can make a supporter out of Representative Backlund. Rep. Backlund's L.A. used to work for Senator Gary George and not surprisingly, is a good advocate for us! Rep. Backlund wrote, "I am inclined to think that it [HB2613] is a good bill. Having a unanimous vote for a "do pass" out of committee is important in helping me make up my mind. Mr. Backlund defeated Rick Stucky (D) who would have been a real problem for us had he been elected. (503) 986-1433 Buddy: Murge Gunter |
Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 34 |
Lane Shetterly (R) has voted against our legislation in the past. Kate Richardson, Legislative Aide for Rep. Shetterly said, "Rep. Shetterly met with the proponents and opponents on this bill last session and carefully reviewed and weighed the arguments. He found, however, the opponents' arguments more persuasive. I assure you that he is prepared to fairly consider the arguments on both sides of the issue in the upcoming session." Talk is cheap... here's the real deal: Rep. Shetterly sits on the board of Valley Community Hospital. He gets his guidance from various people involved in public safety and public health... organizations including OMA, private hospitals, etc. Mr. Shetterly defeated David Sherman (D) who's position on our issues is unknown. (503) 986-1434 Buddy: Needed |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion. |
District 35 |
Barbara Ross (D) has voted against our helmet law repeal bills in the past. Congresswoman Ross voted against the helmet repeal on 3/7/97 but agreed to carefully consider the new version. Her 4/7/97 response to our questionnaire was: "Tally me as a don't support--I will vote against repealing the mandatory [sic] helmet law". Ms. Ross ran unopposed. (503) 986-1435 Buddy: *NEEDED* ... ideally a female DPO PCP |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 36 |
Betsy Close (R) Republican County Chair. Ms. Close stated that she "knows" that helmets save a lot of lives but would support mandatory helmet law repeal for Riders over 18 because she recognizes it as a freedom issue. We did talk some about the misperception that helmets actually do anything to promote safety... Ms. Close is endorsed by the NRA and has a carry concealed permit. I understand that Ms. Close is our guest speaker at STEAM this year! Ms. Close defeated John Donovan who's position on our issues is unknown. (503) 986-1436 Buddy: Luke DiFalco |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 Legislation. Guest speaker for the 1999 STEAM seminar. |
District 37 |
Jeff Kropf (R) is a volunteer Fire Captain who strongly encourages the use of helmets. Mr. Kropf is solidly pro-choice with regard to helmet laws. He stated, "If the issue is the burden on the rest of us taxpayers when a helmetless rider is hurt and has no insurance, then perhaps there is some solution to that particular objection". Mr. Kropf is an adamant defender of our constitutional rights to make a choice as adults, since we are aware of the risks involved. The following statement by Mr. Kropf pretty much sums up his views of what being an American means, "our freedoms have been bought with the blood of so many Americans who have come before us and we can never be timid about standing up for what is right." As if this wasn't enough, Rep. Kropf is a just plain "nice guy". Mr. Kropf defeated Dan Wilkerson (D) who was a lukewarm supporter of our issues. (503) 986-1437 Buddy: *NEEDED*...ideal volunteer will be willing to provide help with re-election needs |
Member, 1999 Transportation Committee. Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation. Carried HB2613 with great skill and eloquence. Voted to move our 1999 helmet bill out of committee |
District 38 |
Juley Gianella (R) said that motorcycle rights are not something that she has given a lot of though to, but that she is generally not in favor of a lot of rules and regulations. She seemed to be pro-choice about most things and I got the feeling that she would vote for our bills if elected. Ms. Gianella defeated Frank Lonergan (D) who pledged to vote for our legislation. (503) 986-1438 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted to move HB3632 out of committee. Gave a great speech in support of HB3632 |
District 39 |
Kitty Piercy (D) has consistently voted against our helmet law repeal legislation and seems to be very anti-Biker/anti-freedom. Ms. Piercy defeated Jim Seaberry (R) who pledged to support our legislation. 986-1439 Buddy: *NEEDED* (Badly!). This is probably the toughest buddy job this session |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion. Gave her time to Randy Leonard so that he could finish his speech in support of HB3632. Politics..go figure. |
District 40 |
Floyd Prozanski (D) has consistently voted against our helmet law repeal legislation although I understand that he is a Motorcyclist himself. Mr. Prozanski thinks it is a good idea (HB2359) to deny Driver license renewals to anyone who has unpaid parking tickets! Regarding handlebar HB2613: "I will support this bill". Mr. Prozanski defeated John Pearson (R) who committed to Co-Sponsoring our legislation. (503) 986-1440 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal on 4/8/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 41 |
Vicki Walker (D). Representative Walker has the dubious distinction of being my pick for the worst Legislator in both houses for the 1999 session. This is Cynthia Wooten's old District who had to leave due to term limits. To be kind, Ms. Wooten was not a supporter of freedom issues. Ms. Walker was Cynthia Wooten's Campaign Manager during the 1992 election. It's hard to imagine a worse Representative coming out of district 41, but Ms. Walker certainly qualifies. Rep. Walker is a mean-spirited, whiney, man-hating feminist and will probably do a lot of damage unless we make a priority of getting her un-elected. There is certainly no percentage in being nice to this "Lady" since she has already tried every dirty trick in the book to hurt us. Ms. Walker is endorsed by OAGV, an Organization dedicated to repealing your second amendment rights. Ms. Walker defeated Norm Fox (R) who pledged to support our issues. (503) 986-1441 Buddy: Dena Turner ACTION: Unseating Vicki Walker, even if we have to elect someone who doesn't support our issues, needs to be our number 1 priority in 2000! If she is in the Legislature next session, we deserve every bit of disrespect she hands us and we deserve to have our bills killed. |
Member, 1999 Transportation Committee. Voted to kill SB583, our 1999 helmet bill, in committee. Gave several speeches against us. Attempted to kill HB3632 before the house vote. Voted for and gave a speech in favor of Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 42 |
William Morrisette (D). Mr. Morrisette, according to his responses in project vote smart, is soft on crime, weak on 2nd Amendment rights, favors increased taxes and sees increased Government spending as a solution to many problems. Mr. Morrisette believes that employment, Government contracting and University admissions should give preference to non-White Candidates and to females. Mr. Morrisette states, "No youth should be expelled from school without a alternative form of state financed education". Early in the 1999 session, Mr. Morrisette sponsored several very scary bills that promote providing "Big Brother" with private and personal information. On the plus side, Mr. Morrisette has submitted legislation requiring a 3/5 voter approval to amend the State constitution. During the campaign, Mr. Morrisette seemed like a "cluck" to me. Unfortunately, my initial reaction turned out to be pretty accurate. Apparently, he and Vicki Walker are friends which could explain things. Mr. Morrisette ran unopposed. (503) 986-1442 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 43 |
Jim Welsh (R) has proven himself to be a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights. Mr. Welsh has recently stated that he sees no reason to discontinue his support. I did ask him about gun control this time around, to which he responded, "Guns? I am a strong second amendment supporter. I will defend our right and fight to keep and bear arms, all arms, any that I want to own, or you want to own. There is absolutely nothing wrong with law abiding citizens owning firearms, including firearms used by the United States Military. I have told folks lately that I will be one of the first to dump the tea back into the harbor if the laws restrict my gun ownership! Any questions on where I stand now?". Nope - I sure don't!! Mr. Welsh defeated Earl Hain (D) who would have been a real problem for us if he was elected. 986-1443 Buddy: Bob Avery |
Strong and very active supporter of Motorcyclist's rights; Gave a pro helmet law repeal speech in the 1997 session; Oregon Motorcyclists couldn't ask for a better friend in the Legislature! Rep. Welsh is the Prime Sponsor for our 1999 legislation. |
District 44 |
Al King (D). Mr. King supports the current mandatory helmet law for motorcyclists. Mr. King defeated Ed Kemp (R) who pledged to support our legislation. (503) 986-1444 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 45 |
Jeff Kruse (R) is a supporter of Motorcyclists Rights. Mr. Kruse ran unopposed. (503) 986-1445 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97. Gave a great speech in support of HB3632 |
District 46 |
Susan Morgan (R) would not vote for helmet repeal at this time although she has requested more information about the issue. She states, "my main concern is one of liability. If there was a way of ensuring that the motorcyclist would bear all the costs associated with their personal injury, and those costs would not fall to public responsibility, then this would be a personal freedom issue. If the public could be insulated from bearing any of the costs, I would vote for helmets being a personal choice." Personally, I like Rep. Morgan very much. She is a very, very nice woman and sincerely wants to do the right thing while she is in the Legislature. Rep. Morgan was very clear that she did not want to be the only person voting "no" on a bill that should be allowed to pass. Perhaps some information and education will convert Rep. Morgan into a supporter. Ms. Morgan defeated Victor Corchero (D) who is an endorsed Motorcyclist and a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights. (503) 986-1446 Buddy: *NEEDED* ..this is an easy gig. Ms. Morgan is a very nice, friendly person. A GOP PCP who is willing to help with re-election needs would be ideal |
Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 47 |
Mike Lehman (D) has consistently voted against our helmet law repeal bills. Several South Coast ABATE members have made a project out of trying to educate and convert Rep. Lehman. Obviously, they have been unsuccessful. Mr. Lehman defeated Marlee Newton (R) who pledged to support our bills. (503) 986-1447 Buddy: *NEEDED* (Badly!). South Coast needs to make a priority project out of getting this very bad Legislator out of office. |
Vice-Chair, 1997 and 1999 House Transportation Committee. Voted "don't pass" for HB2454 in committee. Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Made a "do pass" motion, which was carried, for HB2613 (handlebar). Voted to kill SB583, our 1999 helmet bill, in committee. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 48 |
Ken Messerle (R) is a strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights. Mr. Messerle had no DPO Opponent. (503) 986-1448 Buddy: *NEEDED* ...ideal volunteer will be willing to provide help with re-election needs |
Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation |
District 49 |
Carl Wilson (R) is an endorsed, Goldwing Rider who has ridden motorcycles for 30 years. Rep. Wilson has a picture of a blue, panhead dresser in his office. Need I say more? Rep. Wilson has spoken to our groups and actively supports our issues. Mr. Wilson defeated Candice Bartow (D) who supports mandatory helmet laws for adults. 986-1449 Buddy: *NEEDED* We want to be sure that Rep. Wilson gets re-elected! |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation. Spoke for us during the HB2613 floor vote. Gave a great speech in favor of HB3632 |
District 50 |
Rob Patridge (R) has no position on mandatory helmet repeal. Mr. Patridge refused to participate in project vote smart so we don't know too much about him. Mr. Patridge is a former District Attorney who's vote is probably going to depend on who makes the best case for their position. Rep. Patridge is sensitive to the "social burden" argument. If we can prove that NHTSA's "cost to society" claims are just a smoke screen, we will probably have the Representative's support. Mr. Partridge defeated Melody Kolb (D) who probably would have been a problem for us if elected. (503) 986-1450 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 51 |
Jason Atkinson (R) is the Son of Perry Atkinson, the GOP Vice Chair. Mr. Atkinson is a motorcycle owner (but is not endorsed). He reportedly supports mandatory helmet law repeal. Mr. Atkinson is one of the few Candidates we have seen who favors across the board tax cuts in every area. Mr. Atkinson defeated Lon Holston (D) who does not support our issues. (503) 986-1451 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 handlebar bill but was absent for the floor vote. Voted HB3632 out of committee. Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 52 |
Judy Uherbelau (D) has consistently voted against our bills. Ms. Uherbelau is a very nice woman and I like her as a person very much. Unfortunately, as a former E.R. Nurse, she subscribes to the same theory as Governor Veto that Adult Americans must not be allowed the freedom to choose what is and is not appropriate safety equipment. Many attempts to get the Representative to look at the facts regarding motorcycle helmets dubious benefits to Riders has been thus far unfruitful. The Rep. says, "I personally have a hard time with the comment about the Government micro-managing our lives, as I have never felt that it does. As a mother, homeowner, volunteer, community activist etc., I have felt perfectly free to live my life on my terms." Ms. Uherbelau defeated Jane Hunts (R) who was somewhat supportive of our issues. (503) 986-1452 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
"It is a public health issue to me, not a freedom issue (none of us have absolute freedom)". Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 53 |
Steve Harper (R) House Majority Leader. Rep. Harper has voted against our helmet law repeal legislation in the past. However, Rep, Harper has been active behind the scenes, helping us to sign on Co-Sponsors for our 1999 legislation. Mr. Harper defeated Dotti Shaffer who's support for our issues is unknown. (503) 986-1453 Buddy: *NEEDED*....ideal volunteer will be willing to provide help with County GOP re-election needs |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Co-Sponsored our 1999 Handlebar bill. Voted for HB3632 on 6/16/99 |
District 54 |
Tim Knopp (R) supports helmet law repeal. Mr. Knopp said, "I don't support a mandatory helmet law for adults because its an issue of individual freedom. I believe we must return to a time when lawmakers trust citizens to make their own choices. Citizens don't trust government because government has failed to trust citizens." Mr. Knopp defeated Elli Work (D) who also strongly supports our issues. (503) 986-1454 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation |
District 55 |
Ben Westlund (R) is a very strong supporter of our issues. I was very disappointed to see that Rep. Westlund proposed a measure (HJR 9) to permit so-called "sobriety" checkpoints where Police Thugs are allowed to stop, interrogate and check the papers of Motorists without probable cause in violation of the 4th amendment.. Mr. Westlund had no DPO Opponent. (503) 986-1455 Buddy: *NEEDED* We want to be sure that Rep. Westlund gets re-elected! |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation. Voted for HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97 |
District 56 |
Bob Montgomery (R) is a very (*VERY*) strong supporter of Motorcyclists rights! Bob has been a solid supporter of our legislation and has given speeches to support our bills. He can always be counted on to participate in events such as "Biker Days" at the Capitol. Representative Montgomery, along with Ken Ray and Bob Avery, is the reason why the GOP party platform now includes the objective of repealing the mandatory helmet law! We owe Bob Montgomery a LOT!! Mr. Montgomery defeated Paul Zastrow (D) who would have been a problem for us if elected. (503) 986-1456 Buddy: The entire membership of ABATE and BikePAC is Rep. Montgomery's buddy! Whatever the Representative wants, he gets. |
Chair, 1997 and 1999 House Transportation Committee. Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation. Voted to move our 1999 helmet bill out of committee |
District 57 |
Bob Jensen (I) Was a Democrat last term but has changed affiliations due to disenchantment with Governor Veto. Mr. Jensen has voted against helmet law repeal in the past. Mr. Jensen defeated Vern Kube (R) who's position on our issues is unknown. (503) 986-1457 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
Voted against HB2454 helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97. Voted against HB3632 on 6/16/99. Voted for Hill's mean spirited motion |
District 58 |
Mark Simmons (R) is a strong supporter of our issues. Mr. Simmons ran unopposed. (503) 986-1458 Buddy: *NEEDED* ...ideal volunteer will be willing to provide help with re-election needs |
Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation |
District 59 |
Lynn Lundquist (R) is a powerful and consistent supporter of motorcyclist rights. Mr. Lundquist defeated Sue Greer (D) who's position on our issues is unknown. (503) 986-1459 Buddy: *NEEDED* |
1997 Speaker of the House. Co-Sponsored our 1997 and 1999 legislation |
District 60 |
Tom Butler (R) currently holds a motorcycle operator endorsement and says that he will vote for mandatory helmet law repeal for adult riders. Mr. Butler is pretty much anti big brother Government all the way. I liked Representative Butler very much. He is a "regular guy" and tells it like it is. (503) 986-1460 Buddy: *NEEDED* We want to be sure that Rep. Butler gets re-elected! |
Co-Sponsored our 1999 legislation |
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