2002 Oregon Election Information

Who does and doesn't support Biker's rights


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Jack Roberts - I have not spoken to the Candidate yet, but I believe that he supports our issues.

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Governor John Kitzhaber (a.k.a. Dr. Veto) is finally gone!  Now is the time for all good Motorcyclists to work hard to ensure that our bills won't get killed at the Governor's desk.  If we don;t bust our butts to get a motorcyclist-friendly Governor elected, then we deserve to have out legislation vetoed for another 12 years.  

Bev Stein - Not much to like here.  She is another ultra liberal tax and spend politician just like Dr. No.  At the Clackamas County Demo meeting in June, 2001, I asked if if she would support us.  Her response was that she supported the current helmet law and would veto any attempts to ease it.

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WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) I don't know who the Libertarian Candidate is yet.  However, Libertarians are pretty much universally pro-freedom. Even the Libertarians acknowledge that they have zero chance of getting one of their own elected as Governor although Mr. Burke who has run in the past would have made an excellent Governor, in my opinion.  Of course, in my opinion, a wet dishrag would have done a better job than Kitzhaber.

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Last modified July 15, 2001
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